Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Venue recommendation!

I am super picky about who I recommend because I want to make sure that every bride & groom that comes my way only has the BEST for their wedding. I've been meaning to brag on this gal/this place for a long time, but just now got down to it! :)

The girl's name is Rachel Gill and she is the private events director at Berry Creek Country Club in Georgetown. First of all, she is one of the coolest gals I've met in my time in this business. She genuinely wants to help couples throw the party of their lifetimes and she's so invested in making things go great at BCCC. The facility is lovely and there's a golf course where you can get married there.

Rachel and I hung out recently and mutually fell in love with each other! :) She is someone I would trust any bride & groom with and I am so happy to know people like her are out there at venues and ready to serve with their hearts. :)

Check her out:

Berry Creek Country Club Website :
BCCC's Blog, which Rachel keeps loaded with great wedding ideas! :

(I'm sorry I'm having a hard time getting the hyperlinks to come up! Just copy and paste those addresses! Thanks.)


Berry Creek Country Club said...

Ummmmm....I am seriously Flattered....I think that makes my stalking of your page ok. I hope we get to work together soon!
