Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bridal Extravaganza today!

Well, I went with my deary, Stan, to man (woman?) the booth for Crown Catering at the Bridal Extravaganza. It was so fun! We met tons of sweet, energetic brides and I got to give lots of great wedding advice (which yall know I LOVE to do).

Though I was there to support Stan, I couldn't help but hand out a few cards of my own. ; ) All of my business is word-of-mouth and I love it that way. Before I even meet a bride or groom, they already have a story about me or a reason they called....which gives us an instant connection - and that connection always turns into great pictures!

So, it will be off to the Bridal Extravaganza tomorrow, too, and Stan and I are looking forward to serving a billion more fajitas! :) Right now, he's conked out on the couch in front of the Cowboys game....I cannot decide whether or not to wake him up! He gets upset whenever he's woken up, but he's gonna be upset if he misses the Cowboy's game, too. Decisions, decisions. :)

